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12 weeks online Classes begin 8:00 am Saturday July 8th 2023 thur September 23rd 2023
Cross Life School is the assignment of the Holy Spirit given to the Body of Christ for the purpose of equipping believers to as overcomers. An overcomner is one who is able to gain advantage and control of the difficulties in life. Discipleship is the means Jesus employed to prepare His followers to live as overcomers. The Cross of Christ and His finished work is the foundation for the believers life; which provides victory and triumph over all the work of the enemy.(satan) Victory, triumph and living the life of an overcomer begins with a growing in the knowledge and grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Learning the fundamentals of
effective prayer for the purpose of communicating with God and discerning His will
Understanding deliverance and it's necessity for living a life of freedom from spiritual and natural bondages
Next Course of Study Offered 2023
Next Course of Study Offered 2023
Understanding the princples and
dynamics of leadership, beginning with the leadership and guidance of self and to those you are called to lead
Study of the essentials required for effective evangelism and the deliverance neccesary to be free to share ones faith
A study of the office and the gift of prophecy and the role it plays in the life of the believer.
Five Fold Ministry
Five Fold Ministry
Apologetics, in Christianity, the intellectual defense of the truth of the Christian religion, usually considered a branch of theology.
Understanding The Fivefold Ministry and the five ministry roles of Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor and Teacher; for the purpose of perfecting believers for work in ministry.
Giving our testimony of how God saved us and is blessing us is a good thing, but it is not evangelism. Living in holiness witnesses to the work of Christ's Spirit, but it is not evangelism. Evangelism takes place only when we share the message of Jesus' life, death, and resurrection and then call people to trust in Him alone.
Spiritual Gifts
Spiritual Gifts
Knowing and understanding your spiritual gifts are important for the ministry assignments you have been ordained by God to fulfil.
This course will help you to follow and stay on course with God's plan for your life and the lives of others.
(click here to learn more)
(click here to learn more)
A More Excellent Way To Cover Your Leader in Prayer: Prayer and Intercession for your Leader Paperback
A More Excellent Way To Cover Your Leader in Prayer: Prayer and Intercession for your Leader Paperback
It is a philosophical inquiry into the magnanimity of God’s love and the essence of mankind's creation. The author’s ability to capture the historical trend of God's love and the existence of goodness even before the creation of man left me enlightened as a reader.

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
Matthew 28:19-20
Matthew 28:19-20
Discipling The Nations
Discipling The Nations
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